प्रमुख सुचनाहरु
आयोजना सम्पन्न अध्ययन सर्वेक्षणका लागि परामर्शदाताहरुको संक्षिप्त सूची तयार गरिएको सूचना           सीताकुमारी खाम्चाः मरिसकेको आशा भैँसीपालन व्यवसायले फर्कायो: इन्फो कर्णाली अनलाइन           होटल र फेन्सी पसलमा असफलतापछि गाउँ फर्केर व्यावसायिक भैँसी पालन: रातोपाटी अनलाइन           सुर्खेत विरेन्द्रनगर १२, खोरियाका महिलाहरु आत्मनिर्भरताको बाटोमा अग्रसर           व्यावसायिक भैँसीपालन दुध, गोबर र गहुँत बिक्री - गोरखापत्र दैनिक           छाकटार्ने उपायको खोजीमा बिदेसिएका पुरुष स्वदेश फर्कंदै: अन्नपुर्ण पोष्ट दैनिक           ASDP Updated Brochure in Nepali           Midline Survey Report_ASDP Surkhet           Annual Report 2022/23 (Year: Five)           लैङ्गिक कार्य सिकाई पद्वति संचालन प्रक्रिया सम्बन्धि ब्रोसर           क्यान्सर पीडित एक किसानको लोभलाग्दो कृषि क्रान्ति : रातोपाटी अनलाइन           सामुदायिक कृषि प्रसार सेवा केन्द्र (CAESC) - ब्रोसर           बाली पात्रो - ASDP सुर्खेत           पोषण कर्नर सम्बन्धि जानकारी          
Goal, Objectives and Impact Indicators

Goal, Objectives and Impact Indicators

The Goal of the Programme is to: contribute to the reduction of poverty and nutrition insecurity amongst women and men in hill and mountain areas of Karnali Province.

The Development Objective (DO) is to: sustainably improve the income and food security of smallholders and disadvantaged rural groups[1] involved in commercially-oriented production and marketing systems in selected high value agricultural value chains.

The indicator of Programme success at goal level is:

  • 24,000 more women in Programme area of 15-49 years of age consume at least 5 out of 10 defined food groups daily (disaggregated by ethnicity);

The indicators of Programme success at DO level are:

  • Sixty per cent reduction in poverty incidence in 35,000 Programme households(measured as a HFIAS[2] score of 7.0 or lower (disaggregated by gender and disadvantaged group);
  • 26,000 value chain linked farm households double their household income (disaggregated by ethnicity and female-headed households).