प्रमुख सुचनाहरु
आयोजना सम्पन्न अध्ययन सर्वेक्षणका लागि परामर्शदाताहरुको संक्षिप्त सूची तयार गरिएको सूचना           सीताकुमारी खाम्चाः मरिसकेको आशा भैँसीपालन व्यवसायले फर्कायो: इन्फो कर्णाली अनलाइन           होटल र फेन्सी पसलमा असफलतापछि गाउँ फर्केर व्यावसायिक भैँसी पालन: रातोपाटी अनलाइन           सुर्खेत विरेन्द्रनगर १२, खोरियाका महिलाहरु आत्मनिर्भरताको बाटोमा अग्रसर           व्यावसायिक भैँसीपालन दुध, गोबर र गहुँत बिक्री - गोरखापत्र दैनिक           छाकटार्ने उपायको खोजीमा बिदेसिएका पुरुष स्वदेश फर्कंदै: अन्नपुर्ण पोष्ट दैनिक           ASDP Updated Brochure in Nepali           Midline Survey Report_ASDP Surkhet           Annual Report 2022/23 (Year: Five)           लैङ्गिक कार्य सिकाई पद्वति संचालन प्रक्रिया सम्बन्धि ब्रोसर           क्यान्सर पीडित एक किसानको लोभलाग्दो कृषि क्रान्ति : रातोपाटी अनलाइन           सामुदायिक कृषि प्रसार सेवा केन्द्र (CAESC) - ब्रोसर           बाली पात्रो - ASDP सुर्खेत           पोषण कर्नर सम्बन्धि जानकारी          
Project Component

Component 1, Value chain Development:


  • Inclusive and sustainable agriculture value chains: This sub-component (outcome) will identify financially and economically profitable agricultural value chain investment opportunities in the Programme area and provide risk-based co-financing and institutional, technical and capacity building support to strengthen value chain cohesion and stakeholder profits.
  • Market-oriented infrastructure: The sub-component will support the construction of market-oriented infrastructure in the Programme area.It has one output – Co-financed public and community market infrastructure.
  • Rural financial services for value chain development: The Programme will facilitate financial linkages for agriculture producers and agri businesses in value chains, including for each sub-project under Sub-component The Programme will work with cooperatives and microfinance development banks (MFDB) for financing of producers, and the commercial banks for facilitating credit linkages for agri businesses. Commercial banks will also be supported for new product development. and
  • Agriculture services support innovation and value chain development: In line with the provisions of the new Constitution and the ADS, ASDP will support the development of participatory, pluralistic extension and service delivery systems for agriculture and livestock sectors at the municipal and ward levels. It will involve setting up and activating sustainable mechanisms at appropriate levels in the municipality for governance, active farmer participation and the engagement of the private sector in service delivery. This outcome also proposes to build off HVAP achievements on women’s development by further empowering women, particularly in their households and by translating improved household income into improved nutrition

Component 2, Programme Coordination, planning, monitoring & evaluation and Knowledge management.